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About Me


   I've been creating photography ever since I started highjacking my mom's point and shoot fuji for selfies since the ninth grade(you know the kind of camera you have to turn around and break your wrist just to guess what you were photographing.) 12 years later, I'm now 26 and have been a professional photographer since I began taking headshots in a Hollywood Studio apartment 4 years ago. Four cameras later(I shoot with a Nikon D810), invested education at NESOP in Boston, conversations with colleagues and teachers, many mess ups, incredible successes and growth, and many hours later here I am!

Lacey Howlind Photography. 


From being born in Joshua Tree California at home, to being raised in Michigan, my life started out with so much movement. Being an air sign I feel like the wind sometimes, moving through space and time as if carried by the Universes fate. My father is an artist, his parents were entrepreneurs, builders,  and genetically artistic . My mother was a dancer and her siblings and mother and grandparents were also artists and creators. I grew up in a world of movement and creation, harboring conversations my mom would speak of pushing light out of your body, and watching my dad create drawings of perfectly replicated buildings, boats, barns and beams of light using simple charcoal and shading. Light is everything to me. It's the energy from the sun, its how we see color, it generates heat. Light is physics. It is science and illumination. It is the whole universe. 


Ever since having my son in 2017, I've realized what I want to be for him. I want to show him that fear does not win. I want to show him that going after your dreams, meeting people and exchanging ideas, creating, sharing love with those who come into your life; this is most important. And so here I am. Lacey Howlind Photography. I would love to meet, work, & create with anyone who reaches out to extend their energy and light into myself and my son's life. 

Thank you,


Lacey Howlind

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